Category Archives: Restorative Justice

Blameless and Forever Free Ministries and Chaplain Tammy believe by the time a crime is committed and a victim is harmed, the root causes of the crime may have occurred long ago. D.A. Kevin Barton

By The Time A Crime Is Committed And A Victim Is Harmed, The Root Causes Of The Crime May Have Occurred Long Ago! -D.A. Kevin Barton

By The Time A Crime Is Committed And A Victim Is Harmed, The Root Causes Of The Crime May Have Occurred Long Ago!

-D.A. Kevin Barton

We can’t solve the problem of violence against girls and women without also addressing violence against boys and men.

And our prisons are filled with wounded souls that need healing. This requires connection, community, compassion and safe places for healing to begin.

Ready or not, 95% of our incarcerated residents will be released as our neighbor!

Sexual Assault Against Boys Is A Crisis

It’s far more common than we think. Below are a couple of great articles shedding light as to why we don’t talk about it. It’s far more pervasive than we think.

Discussions regarding sexual violence against boys and men need not be uncomfortable and awkward, but it will require honest, open and transparent communications that require listening and engagement.

I share, taking 15 minutes of time invested in this reading will save souls, maybe even the lives of our own future children, their children and/or our grandchildren.

Sexual violence against boys is far more common than we think. And since Sundays seem to be the perfect day Blameless lays out and exposes hard issues, we’ll continue because our sons, grandsons and future generations, heck ALL BOYS and MEN for that matter, are invaluable members of the Body of Christ and when they’re being attacked, we need to have the courage to stand in the gap with them.

Jesus wants our eyes open through the lens of love and Sabbath days are perfect days to chew on tough matters. If we want to raise boys differently, we must start believing that they are equally capable of feeling pain AND doing violence.

Just reading these couple articles will help empower awareness and shed light to toxic stress, trauma, the reality of our dark culture, and open up a dialogue exposing behaviors of generational household dysfunction that would even think that hazing and bullying are acceptable behaviors, much less without also addressing violence against men and boys.

This is why Blameless and Forever Free Ministries is now adding the incarcerated families to our curriculum to work through some household dysfunctional issues with the residents at Folsom State Prison because there’s an intergenerational link tied to the revolving door of our lives that needs addressing and exposure to sever the strongholds.

After all, there is no shame in our game; Jesus is His Name! And in order to receive healing, we must name it and that requires intention.

The article below is from the Washington Post and it sheds so much light as to why we don’t want to talk about matters concerning boys and men in being sexually violated and how and why we need to engage in these tough questions and conversations.


I only hope and pray you’ll take the time to look through the lens of trauma and compassion when looking at others that are different from us.

Until next time…

Blameless and Forever Free Ministries and Chaplain Tammy believe that love softens traumatic memories. Memories of being loved that we can access or create help us tolerate suffering. It all comes down to love.

Blameless and Forever Free Ministries understands that by the time a crime has been committed and a victim is harmed, the root causes of that crime may have occurred long ago. D.A. Kevin Barton

I’m Ready To Heal My Childhood Trauma!

“By the time a crime is committed and a victim is harmed, the root causes of that crime may have occurred long ago.” – District Attorney Kevin Barton

Recognizing the truth from what numerous scientific studies have established, along with countless medical professionals, that children who experience neglect, abuse, socioeconomic disadvantages and other forms of trauma are more likely to suffer from challenges such as mental illness, substance-abuse disorders and even physical health consequences.

This is called adverse childhood experiences, better known as ACEs.

Blameless and Forever Free Ministries #ACE 1 Unloving Ways

And when we look at the men and women who are incarcerated in the U.S., they have the highest levels of trauma and abuse in their lives, and we put them in a system that was never designed to work with that history???

Transforming our prisons through trauma-informed care is essential for healing and wholeness and restored lives for all affected by crime.

What these eyes see now matters. Every life matters! If we want safer communities, then it’s time we start changing the narrative and start investing in people, not prisons.

Blameless and Forever Free Ministries’ mission is to break the cycle of crime while restoring broken lives through God’s Great Love infused with restorative justice practices and trauma-informed care.

In order to decrease criminal recidivism, treatment intervention must focus on the effects of early life experiences.

Hurt people often Hurt others, but Healed people Heal!

Until next time…